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Texas Firm Increases Business Conversions With Programmatic Advertising

Making a business successful depends on increasing the customer base and keeping them interested. That means that marketing and advertising content is incredibly important. It’s also essential to ensure that adverts reach the right types of people to increase conversion.

Programmatic advertising is a new form of advertising which allows businesses to seek out consumers that are interested in their product area rather than the previous forms of traditional advertising which sent out an advert and hoped for engagement.

In San Antonio, Texas, a new programmatic advertising agency has been set up to provide a targeted advertising service. The company is called Ranwell Productions and has launched to help business owners reach their full potential by targeting a specific audience that is fully automated.

Randy Sewell, the head of Ranwell, says “programmatic advertising is necessary for businesses that want to keep climbing the success ladder. It offers the opportunity to reach out to the right people for less money and can save on research time and monitoring too.”

Programmatic advertising is a way for websites to track cookies and use other data points to determine the customer journey before making a purchase. This creates a map of that customer’s habits and allows for customer segmentation.

If a specific segment of customers displays similar habits, it may mean that businesses can target those people to advertise products that they know they’re going to be interested in based on their previous search history and engagement with digital platforms.

This process works for TV, radio, internet, app, and digital billboard advertising – basically anywhere that can collect organic data based on user experience.

Once the data has been gathered, a website, TV channel or radio station will be aware of what types of customers access their channel at specific times during the day. They can offer advertising space on a supply-side platform to businesses to purchase.

From the business side, a marketer will look for specific ad spaces that will capture their target demographic based on their product. They can even set alerts up to narrow down the search for ad space and receive a notification when an ad space becomes available that will reach the right audience.

Mr. Sewell is a great believer in making advertising easy, stating that “the programmatic advertising method of real-time bidding makes advertising almost automated and removes the antiquated methods of traditional advertising where buyers had to negotiate down a price based on no analytical information.”

Real-time bidding allows for businesses to bid against each other for a particular advertising space based on its merits. Therefore, ad space for more popular target audiences is likely to sell for a little more, simply because it has more bidders.

This allows sellers to get the most profit from their valued space and gives buyers the opportunity to pull out if they can’t afford a space, so everyone has a fair chance to put their ad out in front of the most beneficial audience for them.

Programmatic advertising is beneficial for all parties involved and can really help a business move forward. For more information on how programmatic advertising is shaping the marketing world, visit the Ranwell Productions website or get in touch today.



Ranwell Productions.

Business Address

Country Club Rd, Valdosta, GA 31605


(866) 406-6096



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